

A small little game I’m making


For absolute beginners

You need to set up VSCode and Node.js:

Once you install both, open a new Terminal and do:

corepack enable    # On Windows, has to be done from a "Run as Administrator" Terminal
git clone
cd chess

Proceed with the next section.


pnpm i
pnpm dev


chess and gameMethods are available in the browser console. Just type it. You’ll be pleasantly surprised.

To test unmakeMove, run:

NODE_ENV=test pnpm bench
NODE_ENV=test pnpm golden -s unrestricted

Typecheck and lint

pnpm check

Generating sample (golden) games

Useful to check that a refactoring didn’t change anything (the engine is deterministic right now).

# Needs to be run from the root!

pnpm golden    # regenerate all

pnpm golden -s <uuid1> -s <uuid2> ... # regenerate specific challenges

Can’t push huge Git objects

git config --global http.postBuffer 524288000

React typecheck errors

Type 'import(".../").ReactNode' is not assignable to type 'React.ReactNode'.

Might be caused by having several react versions